Privacy policy

The oral data that makes up the recordings collected by Actors Challenge will be used by the University of Trento exclusively for non-commercial research purposes and will be treated in compliance with European legislation on privacy (GDPR, The data controller is the University of Trento and the manager is prof. Roberto Zamparelli. The data are your property and you can at any time request their cancellation from the University of Trento database by sending an email to or, with the subject “Cancel data AC”. We will not abide requests to send participants copies of their own data.

Your data can be accessed anonymously by the researchers in the Actors Challenge project team. The data, without any reference to your email address and login name, may also be shared as a whole or in part with the international scientific community in the context of conferences or scientific publications, and disseminated as Open Data under the"Creative Commons Attribution Sharealike 4.0" license ( Although the data is disclosed anonymously, those who know you personally might recognize your voice. The email used for registration and for game result acquisition reminders will be kept by the University of Trento for 5 years, unless you ask for its cancellation before the expiration of this period. You may opt out of the game result acquisition reminders by following a link provided in the emails.